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Intro to Rotating Residential Proxies


Documentation below describes how to use Goproxies.com service. 

Goproxies.com services are compatible with many software platforms and tools, from operating systems to browser add-ons. Explore our step-by-step integration guides and learn how to set up your proxies.

If you cannot find something or need help, contact us at support@goproxies.com or start an Intercom chat.


Goproxies.com supports:

  • HTTPS proxy protocol (a.k.a. HTTP proxy with CONNECT method)
  • HTTP proxy protocol

Service is accessed using following entry data:

  • Host: proxy.goproxies.com - All countries
  • Port: 1080
  • Authorisation: Basic
  • Username/Password: [provided separately]

You can test it via any application that has HTTP(s) proxy feature (Chrome, SwitchyOmega, Profixier, Foxy Proxy, Proxy Switcher, Bright Data etc.) or simply a terminal command:

curl --proxytunnel --proxy "https://proxy.goproxies.com:10001" --proxy-user "USERNAME:PASSWORD" https://ip.goproxies.com


This section describes IP targeting and controlling via parameters in Username.


To target IP of specific country, specify 2-letter country code (US, GB, FR, IN, AU etc.):

curl --proxytunnel --proxy "https://proxy.goproxies.com:10001" --proxy-user "customer-USERNAME-country-us:PASSWORD" https://ip.goproxies.com


Sticky session will issue different IP for each unique session ID and will return the same IP in case the same ID is used. Maximum session time is up to 10 minutes.

curl --proxytunnel --proxy "https://proxy.goproxies.com:10001" --proxy-user "customer-USERNAME-country-us-sessionid-123456789:PASSWORD" https://ip.goproxies.com


To target IP of specific state:

curl --proxytunnel --proxy "https://proxy.goproxies.com:10001" --proxy-user "customer-USERNAME-state-us_california:PASSWORD" https://ip.goproxies.com

Note: State parameter will have priority against Country, so if used together those headers will be ignored.


To target IP of specific city:

curl --proxytunnel --proxy "https://proxy.goproxies.com:10001" --proxy-user "customer-USERNAME-city-us_los_angeles:PASSWORD" https://ip.goproxies.com

Note: City header will have priority against State and Country, so if used together those headers will be ignored.
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